Welcome to the OFFICIAL and Original UFO Disclosure Website! CLICK HERE for the UFO Disclosure Poll Results |
![]() Website: TheUniversalSeduction.com
NEW BOOKS Vols 1 and 2 available now! A Secret project by some 40+ authors* who used the collective name of Angelico Tapestra. Some of the themes contained in this first volume are: New World Order - Secret Shadow Govt - Mind Control - FEMA - UFOS/ETS/Abductees - Covert Black Budget Operations - Alternate Science/Realities - Pseudo Sciences - Time Travel - Earth Origins - Psychic Awareness- Out of Body Experiences - Guardian Angels - Body/Mind/Spirit * I am a contributing author - John Colaw |
These books are soon to be a collector's item. Get yours now! There are things going on that you don't know. |
[ TOP ] | Peter Davenport - National UFO Reporting Center |
Peter Davenport is Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, a clearinghouse for UFO sightings located in Seattle, WA. NUFORC is the premier reporting center for UFO sightings, and features up to date reports on a regular basis. Go here to report and read UFO sightings. |
[ TOP ] | Archived Developments and News
![]() I met Neil Freer at the Sitchin Certification program in Santa Fe, NM a couple of weeks ago. Please take a few minutes to peruse his great website. Also please read Neil's WHITE PAPER on the work of Zechariah Sitchin. He is the author of "Godgames" and "Breaking the Godspell". CLICK HERE for Neil Freer's Website. |
Dear Friend, I just stopped by your website, and I just wanted you to know that I have established a link to your website in my large Native Prophecy Legends Metaphysical web community, and thought that perhaps you might see your way clear to put up a reciprocal link to my website. Perhaps you would like to link directly to my UFO article "Hopi Sun Chief & Native Prophecies Confirm the Reality of Flying Saucers". DR Leo Sprinkle was on of my first subscribers to my paper-based newsletter 5 years ago. S-ka-ti Tsi-ya Sa-go-ni-ge-i www.wovoca.com
(points to http://blueotter.addr.com/nativelegends/) |
![]() UFO Disclosure field correspondent Paola Harris has an exciting new interview with Richard Hoagland of the Face on Mars fame. Hear Richard as he describes his theory that there is an ancient flying saucer hanging on the rim of the Valles Marineris canyon complex. Take a look at the image Richard is referring to and make up your mind. Is there evidence of ancient human civilizations on Mars? I will be adding my own interview with Richard Hoagland in a week. Stay tuned. |
![]() Now is your chance to see the proof that the government has been lying when it says it has not been interested in UFOs since the closing of Project Blue Book. This is the National Security Agency official file server. These files were released as a result of the lawsuit filed by Peter Gersten of CAUS, Citizen's Against UFO Secrecy. |
7/14/00 | ![]() Washington, DC - The Paradigm Clock has been reset to 11:58:10 pm. Based upon developments from August 1999 to July 2000 (some shown below), the clock has been moved forward 50 seconds. |
![]() CSETI director Dr. Steven M. Greer announced today that the long-awaited process to disclose definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial intelligence, UFOs and covert government projects related to the subject has been funded and launched. |
![]() I have been going over random samples of the 25,000 new images at Malin Space Sciences. For starters, I am putting up a MARS page for the new images that I like. Most interesting so far is one that looks like a tall obelisk, with a long shadow. More to come. In addition, Richard Hoagland is promising more MARS revelations to be revealed in Houston later this month. Stay tuned...(see above!) Please think for yourself when viewing this or any information... |
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I was amazed a few weeks ago to come across these five images on Richard Hoagland's site Enterprise Mission. I was lucky enough to see them just after they were added to the website at 2:30 pm on May 7th. I immediately posted the update to the lists I am on. Needless to say, they have generated a lot of discussion and speculation since then. In addition, Richard Hoagland's site is popular in itself. Of particular interest to me was image number 5, which shows what looks like glass or crystalline tube structures exposed in some cracks in the Martian ground. Strange Mars Images - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next, this is the original of the last image blown up on Malin Space Sciences server. It is unretouched, and I must wonder if it was not released as part of a controlled Disclosure. It is very strange. Warning - this is a very large image. But it is worth waiting for. Large Image of "Glass tubes" on Mars Finally we have the "Mars Pipes" Image. There will be many more Mars images posted soon. |
[ TOP ] | KC ORB Sighting Report |
John Colaw
and seven witnesses have sighting of colorful pulsating Orb in Kansas
Good VIDEO obtained, including infrared footage. What is it? VIDEO CAPTURES
Here is the announcement letter regarding the sighting.
The LETTER sent to the internet lists: I just had a great sighting, along with 7 other witnesses. It was 9:15 pm CST, here in Kansas City, Missouri. My daughter called me out to the front yard to look at something in the sky. I was on the PC, and a little slow to come out until my wife Charla said "Oh my God, come out and look at this. I don't believe it." I went outside and walked into the front yard. There, West SW from my house, about 40 degrees above the horizon, was what looked like a pulsating star. It was changing brilliant colors. Red, blue, white and yellow seemed to dominate. It changed color rapidly, but pulsed at a slower frequency. It was quite obvious even with the naked eye that it was pulsating and changing colors. It appeared
to be fat for a star, but otherwise you could not tell size,
Brain Lynch, a friend who was visiting happened to have a nice SONY Handycam with Night Shot infrared and 72x digital zoom. We got some great footage of it, first without the infrared. It is not like anything I am aware of that is normal in the sky. We got a good 20 or 30 minutes of it. Then we chased it in the car, but it was obviously a few miles away at least. But the best part was when we switched it to Night Shot Infrared. The object was too far away too be painted by the camera. What we shot was the infrared signature of the object, and it really is spectacular. It looks like a pulsing fog, with a bright triangular nucleus that is spinning rapidly. Like a cell made of light with a spinning triangle for a nucleus. I will get the video uploaded to the internet and post it. I made sure
to get perspective shots of the trees and streetlights in
Stay tuned, John Colaw
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[ TOP ] | UFO SUMMIT information coming soon! |
![]() (UFO SUMMIT information will be posted here as it evolves.) Listen to this revealing interview, in which Democratic presidential candidate Dr. Heather Harder challenges the UFO community to set aside it's differences and come together with a mission statement that can solidify the pursuit of the truth regarding UFOs. Dr. Harder has volunteered to mediate a UFO Summit for three to five of the leaders in the field to come together and agree on such a mission statement for the UFO community. The UFO Disclosure Group has agreed to assist with promoting this idea for a summit, if there is interest in the UFO community to pursue this worthy goal. Those wanting to support a UFO summit, please send an email to john@colaw.net and it will be considered for action. Also in
this interview:
www.harder2000.com |
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Mar 10, 2000 | ![]() |
[ TOP ] | 3/10/00 - Press Release from the Paradigm Research Group (below) |
Mar 10, 2000 | From: ParadigmRG@aol.com Date sent: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 03:40:00 EST Subject: PRG Press Release - 3/10/00 To: undisclosed-recipients:; PRG Paradigm Research Group Washington, DC - Public awareness of the politics of UFOs/disclosure continues to grow. Over a span of six days, a confluence of media events, based in part or in full on UFO/ET phenomena, has taken place. Friday marks the sixth day of The Learning Channel's annual Alien Invasion Week, which ends tomorrow. Sponsored in part by major corporations such as MCIWorldcom, Charles Schwab and Ford Motor Company, it consists of nine documentaries, many of which hold political content addressing the government posture on UFO/ET phenomena. A website accompanies the series. On Monday, March 6 Turner Network Television (TNT) aired the television premier of Contact based upon Carl Sagan's novel about first contact with intelligent extraterrestrial life. The film was modified to include much political content addressing how government deals with "special" information. Today, Disney's Touchstone Pictures opens Mission to Mars, the Brian DePalma picture that incorporates UFO/ET research community work on the Cydonia region of Mars. Notably, just two weeks before the opening, Touchstone Pictures began running trailer ads, which refer to a 25-year cover-up by NASA of evidence for artificiality. This trailer shows the well-known Viking "Face" photograph. In Washington, Stephen Bassett, the founder of Paradigm Research Group and Executive Director of X-PPAC, the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, had this comment: "One of the most important issues addressed by the politics of UFOs/disclosure is NASA being caught in the middle between its scientific role as the civilian space agency and the requirement under the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 that NASA must defer to the Department of Defense in all matters relating to national security. Subsequent research has shown that all evidence for extraterrestrial intelligent life, past or present, is considered by the government to be in this category." As to what specifically might happen in the weeks following the movie and television airings this week, he added, "Two things come to mind. First, the person who has done more than anyone else to confront NASA on Cydonia and raise the specter of sequestered evidence is Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission. Every talk show in the county should have him on in the coming weeks, along with a NASA spokesperson, to debate the implications of that ad trailer. Second, every person who sees this movie should go home and fax NASA, their congressional representatives, and the major networks demanding that NASA produce new and higher quality photographs of every square inch of the Cydonia region of Mars until such time as all interested public and scientists are satisfied they have the best their space agency can provide." Contacts: Alien Invasion Week: Mission to Mars: URL: http://studio.go.com/m2m/index.html Enterprise Mission X-PPAC: URL: http://www.x-ppac.org Paradigm Research Group
[TOP ] | Zecharia Sitchin |
Sitchin was raised in Palestine, where he acquired a profound knowledge
of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, the
Old Testament, and the history and archaeology of the Near East.
He attended the London School of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in economic history. A leading journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. One of the few scholars able to read and understand Sumerian, Sitchin has based The Earth Chronicles, his recent series of books dealing with Earth's and man's histories and prehistories, on the information and texts written down on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East. Sitchin's book "the 12th Planet" presents evidence for the mysterious Planet "X", and suggests angels and gods were legends of genuine extraterrestrial visitors, the Annunaki, who interfered with man's DNA. Yet Zecharia still believes in God, and that the Annunaki were merely emissaries of the true God. I have met Zecharia and have been certified by him personally in Sitchin Studies. A Sitchin Studies program will soon be offered in the Kansas City area. Interested parties send an email to john@colaw.net I will be expanding a special section to present Mr. Sitchin's work here soon. Check back for it. Meanwhile, here are some good links:
[ TOP ] | Dr. Heather Harder - 2000 Candidate | |
?![]() Year 2000 Presidential candidate Dr. Heather Harder has graciously given me permission to post her position paper on UFO Disclosure. I asked Dr. Harder why she was running for president: "I am running for president because I intend to win. As president I will bring healthy change to the current political process. I am running to act as a model for political activism. It is time to bring balance to the power that now resides in Washington. I willingly share my opinions concerning the many issues now facing this country but they are NOT why I gave up my credible job as university professor to run for president. My campaign platform centers on changing the structure of political power so that people will have a real voice in Washington. These changes are simple but effective. Together we must
Please visit Dr. Harder's web site for more information on her campaign for President.
Contact info:
[ TOP ] | UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force Base |
Film Producer Sam Sherman has published information about
the event of October 7, 1965 in which Edwards AFB, four other Air
Bases, NORAD and the Western Air Defense Command were involved with
scrambling planes after 12 luminous UFOs which came down low over the
runway at Edwards AFB. The entire event was archived on formerly SECRET
Audio recordings, which came from phone patches, base to base
communication and tower to air radio. You hear the Edwards Tower
operator vector an F-106 Interceptor right under a large luminous UFO
at 40,000 foot altitude.
The website features official documentation, an alert pilot's letter and audio clips which can be downloaded from the formerly SECRET Tapes. |
[ TOP ] | Peter Gersten - CAUS | ||||
?Director of CAUS
(Citizens Against UFO Secrecy).
CAUS is the only web based organization dedicated to ending the secrecy surrounding this planet's ongoing contact with an "extraterrestrial" intelligence by means of the legal system. CAUS director, attorney Peter A. Gersten, has stated that he can prove in a court of law that we are interacting with an "ET" intelligence. That evidence and information, along with the pending lawsuits can be found on the CAUS website. CAUS Updates
Mr. Gersten has filed numerous lawsuits against various government agencies in regards to various UFO disclosure issues. Read this Press Release for information on one of these lawsuits that is making progress in the courts regarding Black Triangle sightings. (I have had this type sighting.) UPDATE:This lawsuit has now been dismissed. Peter has also written an online book, "The Ultimate Secret", from which this introduction is excerpted: In 1977 New York attorney Peter A. Gersten brought suit in the US District Court of the District of Columbia on behalf of Ground Saucer Watch, an Arizona based UFO organization. The lawsuit was against the Central Intelligence Agency pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Gersten demanded the release of classified UFO related documents. Pursuant to the lawsuit, the CIA in 1979 released over 900 pages of documents relating to the UFO phenomenon. But they refused to release 57 documents, claiming national security considerations. On June 24,1980 Gersten brought suit in the same District Court against the National Security Agency but this time on behalf of his own recently formed organization, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). His objective was 135 UFO related documents the NCI had refused to release. On November 18, 1980, based upon a NSA top secret affidavit which Gersten was not allowed to see, US District Court Judge Gerhard A. Gesell dismissed the lawsuit stating that 'the continued need for secrecy far out weighed the public's right to know.' After Gersten's appeal to the US Court of Appeals was denied in 1981, he brought a Writ of Certiorari to the US Supreme Court. On March 8,1982, four and one-half years after the first lawsuit, the Supreme Court refused to entertain the Writ, thereby precluding Gersten from obtaining the documents through legal channels. Sixteen years later, in 1998, Gersten, once again on behalf of CAUS, brought a FOIA action against the Department of Army for documents about alien bodies and alien autopsy reports. In May of this year, the Judge dismissed the case citing the reasonableness of the Army's search and the fact that star witness Col. Philip Corso was now deceased. (John - What a fortunate coincidence.) In February, 1999, Gersten was back in Court, this time against the Department of Defense (DOD) for information on the triangular UFOs. In March, the DOD stated it had no information on these craft. The case has now been dismissed. In May and in June of 1999, Gersten filed lawsuits against the states of Arizona and California respectively. Though these have now been dismissed, new lawsuits are in the works to provoke disclosure. The government and scientific establishment still refuse to officially acknowledge the evidence of our interaction with another form of intelligence. And the origin and purpose of this interaction is still unknown. It is also 17 years since the Supreme Court decision forever denying Gersten legal access to the classified UFO documents and the documents are still being withheld. The Ultimate Secret is based upon actual events that have occurred during the fifty-two year history of the UFO phenomenon. The theories advanced as to the origin and purpose of UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles and ancient artifacts can be supported by evidence. Peter has graciously volunteered more material for the UFO Disclosure group. I will be adding it to this section soon. In addition, we will be releasing breaking news items regarding CAUS and the government lawsuits, so check back often. Contact Info:
All Rights Reserved. Used by permission. |
[ TOP ] | George Filer - Filer's Files | |
Major George Filer
runs an excellent web site, Filer's
Research Institute, and a newsletter, Filer's Files,
tracking UFO disclosure information.
These are links to George Filer's Files and website. Some of the best UFO report information will be found here. They are added to weekly, so come back and visit. ___Filers Files
[ TOP ] | John Colaw |
John O. Colaw III is your humble host. John has experienced
numerous sightings, and has a video of a pulsating colorful orb
seen over his home in Kansas City by eight witnesses. Executive
Director of Membership and Kansas State Director for Skywatch
International. John is diligently
searching for the truth of UFOs, and is a founding member of the Missouri Investigators Group.
[ TOP ] | Michael Hesemann |
Michael Hesemann is one of Europe's leading UFO
experts. His bestsellers include my favorite, UFO's The Secret
History, and also
includes The Cosmic Connection and Beyond Roswell. He has also produced
several video documentaries. Michael has investigated in 42
Contact info: 100660.3672@compuserve.com |
[ TOP ] | Jim Hickman - The Hickman Report |
Jim Hickman was the Director of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Group, is writer of The Hickman Reports. |
[ TOP ] | Dr. Joseph Burkes |
Dr. Burkes is known for his position acknowledging an ET
presence here on Earth, and for a time worked with Dr.
Steven Greer and CSETI. Here is
a correspondence I
received from Dr. Burkes:
Dear Mr.Colaw I am a medical doctor in Los Angeles and an independent UFO investigator. Thank you for your report on your sighting that appears in the current Filer Files. I have written a position paper on what I view is the
fundamental challenge to UFOlogy. If you have recieved this paper
already, please excuse this oversight. Sincerely Joseph Burkes, MD
[ TOP ] | Paola Harris - Notiziario UFO | |
My friend, Italian journalist Paola Harris, has graciously
given me permission to include her articles on UFO disclosure and some
of her
interviews. Paola is an international correspondent for the Italian
Notiziario UFO and Dossier Alieni and former collaborator (Italian
and was a friend of Astronomer, Dr. J. Allen Hynek for 10 years. She
was one of the few journalists trusted by Col. Philip Corso.
Paola is a foreign correspondent for the UFO Disclosure Group.
Contact info:
[ TOP ] | Linda Moulton Howe - Earthfiles | |
Linda Howe is an accomplished researcher and author, and now
hosts a radio program too. Her investigation into cattle mutilations
to her famous book "Strange Harvest". Visit her web site for a wealth
information on UFOs and the paranormal. ![]() |
[ TOP ] | Peter Robbins - UFO City | |
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Peter Robbins runs an excellent online UFO resource site, UFOcity. Updated daily with news and
sightings reports from around the world, this site promotes UFO
disclosure with timely reporting and a variety of input. Peter also
authors "Web Watch" for UFO magazine.
Contact Info
[ TOP ] | Colonel Philip Corso |
Colonel Philip J. Corso served on President Eisenhower's
National Security Council and also headed the Foreign Technology Desk
at the U.S. Army's Research and Development Department.
Corso's book, "The Day After Roswell," (co-written with William J. Birnes) was published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. the announcement from the publisher: "Since 1947, the mysterious crash of an unidentified aircraft in Roswell, New Mexico, has fueled a firestorm of speculation and controversy about whether the craft actually was of another world. No solid evidence has existed to prove the alien theory... until now. Colonel Philip J. Corso (ret.) has come forward to tell the whole explosive story. "Backed by newly declassified documents, Colonel Corso reveals his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the crash, how these items changed the course of twentieth century history, and the U.S. government's astonishing role in covering up the incident. Laying bare some of the government's most closely guarded secrets, "The Day After Roswell" forces us to reconsider our past, as well as our role in the universe."
[ TOP ] | Dr. Steven Greer - CSETI |
Dr. Greer is the founder of CSETI.
He claims intimate association with hundreds of intelligence insiders,
and he has posted a position paper "When
Disclosure Serves Secrecy" which addresses the risks and
implications of a false disclosure, and the agendas of those behind it.
In May 2001 he presented the Disclosure
Project at the National Press Club, with numeroous credible
witnesses coming forward with UFO disclosure information.
[ TOP ] | MUFON - Mutual UFO Network | |
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The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is an international scientific
organization composed of people seriously interested in studying and
researching the
phenomenon known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) by combining
mutual talents, areas of expertise and investigative efforts.
Contact info
[ TOP ] | Dr. Michael Wolf |
Wolf was a 56-year-old man pincered between the horns of a
dilemma. His bosses at the National Security Council (NSC) have told
that they want him, precisely as a government scientist with ABOVE TOP
SECRET clearance, to generate a controlled leakage of major amounts of
secret information.
That information is about UFO reality and extraterrestrial contact with humans, including governmental involvement. On the other hand, they have told him not to disclose too many government secrets..."
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[ TOP ] | Dr. Richard Boylan | |
Dr. Richard Boylan
is a behavioral scientist, certified clinical hypnotherapist,
instructor (retired), and researcher into extraterrestrial-human
He also incorporates Native American tribal legend and religious philosophies into some of his presentations. Dr. Boylan has given me permission to use his position papers and articles here, so please take a moment to peruse what he has to say regarding UFO disclosure, and his views on Extra Terrestrials.
Contact info:
[ TOP ] | Mark A. LeCuyer |
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Mark has an excellent site called "Alien Astronomer - Exploring Our Universe". Astronomy - Hi-Tech/Secret Projects - Secret Societies - Ufology. He also is a valuable contributor to the UFO lists. I recommend Mark's site to anyone looking for the truth. |
[TOP ] | Stanton Friedman | |
Stanton T. Friedman is probably North America's best known
Extra Terrestrial researcher, often seen on television and on the UFO
circuit. Mr. Friedman believes that there has been a UFO cover-up, what
he calls the "Cosmic Watergate."
He strongly believes from his research that there was indeed
a crash in Roswell New Mexico in 1947 and a craft, along with its
occupants were recovered. As well, Mr. Friedman believes in the
existence of a group, called Majestic-12, which was set up by Dwight D.
Eisenhower to study the UFO phenomena and cover up the existence of
extra terrestrial life. Contact info
[ TOP ] | Amy Hebert |
Amy Hebert is a UFO investigator and a former Executive
Director of Skywatch under Col. Steve Wilson. She has a web site, and I
you visit it for more information. Amy's position on the benevolence of
is one of caution, as reflected in her article about candy from
[ TOP ] | Richard Hoagland - Enterprise Mission |
Richard Hoagland is most well known for the face on Mars
controversy regarding NASA photos of the Cydonia region of Mars showing
what appears
to be a face. Recently, he has been focusing on the failures of NASA
missions to Mars, and also on NASA occult masonic symbolism and
Lately, Richard has been drawing attention to more unusual features in the MARS images. Visit his website Enterprise Mission for lots more. Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Richard Hoagland
on UFO Disclosure. |
[ TOP ] | Erich von Däniken |
Erich von Däniken was born on April 14th, 1935, in
Zofingen, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken was educated at the
College St-Michel in Fribourg, where already as a student he occupied
his time with the study of the ancient holy writings. Whilemanaging
director of a Swiss 5-Star Hotel, he wrote his first book, Chariots of
the Gods, which was an immediate bestseller in the United States, Germany, and later in 38 other countries. In the United States, Erich von Däniken won instant
fame as
a result of the television special "In Search of Ancient Astronauts,"
upon his first book.
[ TOP ] | Dr. John Mack |
John Mack is a noted hypnotherapist for abductee
victims. Like Dr. Richard Boylan, he believes that ETs are generally of
a benevolent nature.
[ TOP ] | Joe Firmage |
Joe Firmage is a successful millionaire who stepped
down from CEO of US Web, due to his desire to pursue his beliefs in
UFOs and
He has a few projects in the works, and is looking to invest in technologies and research geared towards proving the truth about UFOs. He has a new company, the International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO). He also is connected to "Intend Change". |
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